Monday, August 4, 2008

Newest Book Available on Amazon!

What is really exciting for today is that the newest book for learning with webkinz is now available on Amazon as paperback! It is called "Hands-on Learning with Webkinz" and is over 85 pages of activities ready for you to use with students, enrichment groups, scout groups, or any assortment of neighborhood kids! The activities within this book range in level from K-6 (although many could be adapted to any level!)

Access the book directly:
Hands-On Learning with Webkinz: Turning Toys Into Tools: Teaching with Technology

Or visit: and click on the Amazon link for the book.

Later this week you'll hear from me again when I announce the release of Volume 2 of "My Webkinz Companion Guide" which is the edition for children to write in. This is due to arrive on Amazon any moment now!

Enjoy the day and hurry out to Amazon to pick up a paperback copy of the newest learning with Webkinz book!

And, if you happen to be on Facebook, look me up and let's become friends on Facebook! I've been hearing from some of you out there!

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