Thursday, August 14, 2008

Warning: Time is Running Out!

Seems that the end of summer vacation is drawing near, much to my dismay.

Yet, that probably means that many of you are falling asleep and then waking up in the middle of the night wondering, "What am I going to do with my students to catch their attention this year?"

Will you need to create some new materials to reinforce standardized testing standards?

Do you need to create a theme for decorating your classroom?

Must you invent some new materials for "literacy work stations" or whatever your district calls the center activities you're students will rotate through?

I have an answer to some of these worries!
Why reinvent the wheel?
Why start from scratch?

You can easily harness the enthusiasm kids have for their toys and turn them into learning tools, with minimal work and planning on your part!

Yes, you read that right....minimal planning and work on your part! Caroline and I have done the work for you. We've created reproducible sheets that you can use without creating your own.

How about creating a "Webkinz Learning Log" in a duo-tang folder for each child? Then you can add the sheets that apply to your curriculum.

How many of your students would jump for joy seeing "One Webkinz pet" on their recommended supply list?

We've created enough activities to keep your students happily learning for weeks or months!

Check out the title of contents for the two books, "Using Webkinz in the Classroom" and "Hands-On Learning with Webkinz" at

These books can make your return to school so much, if you want the paperback books before school starts, order now!! Time is running out before school starts! Order from Amazon by clicking

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