Friday, August 22, 2008

Back to School Ideas for Using Your Digital Camera

School’s back in session. In most elementary classrooms around the country you find teachers taking digital photos of their students on the first day.

What can you do with those pictures? Do you need some new, fresh ideas?

Here are some ideas:

*Create a bulletin board with the individual photos and then continue to build a collage of the learning that happens inside your classroom. This could be a yearlong project!

*Take a photo on the first day of every month of each child to show how he changes throughout the year.

*Put the photos together into a slideshow to be used during Open House/Curriculum Night.

*Have each child fold a piece of construction paper in half like a greeting card and put their photo on the back. Describe themselves inside, and decorate the cover. If you keep them secret while working on them, the teacher could pull one out, share with the class, and have the class guess which classmate it is about. A great way for getting to know each other!

*Make trading cards with the photo and key information on the front, and interests on the back.

*Make a “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, Who do you See?” book with the classmates. “Sarah, Sarah, Who do you See?” Students take turns taking the book home so families become familiar with their child’s class.

*Create picture schedules for the class to follow. Photograph locations in the building and classroom.

*Have students bring in photos from around home and memorable times with family and friends to keep in the writing folder to eliminate the “I don’t know what to write about” complaint.

*When discussing class rules, take pictures of what correct behavior looks like in order to reinforce the rule. This could also be a school-wide display of proper etiquette in the lunchroom, playground, library, hallway, etc.

*Do your students work in teams or table groups? Instead of just hanging up a group name, have the group pose in interesting manners and use that as the group label.

*Put a different child’s picture in the newsletter each week and write an article about him.

These are just a few ways to start the school year with your digital camera. The camera can play such an instrumental role in your classroom.

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