Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mouse Hunting....

Tonight I thought I'd share a quick, funny tale with you. I'm betting that since the subject line said "Mouse Hunting" and I am "The Original Gadget Girl" you probably assumed I'd be talking about the kind of mouse that attaches to your computer, right?

Well, this Gadget Girl learned about some new gadgets just the other night. Mouse traps! For those of you who know me, you know I've been a single mom for six years now. I have handled just about anything you can imagine! You might assume that during those six years I would have been bound to run into a little furry friend visiting my house....but I truly haven't....unless I don't know about them and that idea creeps me out....

So, the other night I hear a little rattle by a bag sitting by my computer (which I spend a bit of time by if you can't tell!) but I wrote it off to the crinkly bag readjusting itself....

Then the next night I hear a bit more, pick up the bag, and EWWWWWWW! There was that little critter staring back up at me. I stared at him, he stared and me....and I'm not a whimpy girl....but I do admit to a little screech...and stomping my feet for just a moment while saying "EWWWW".....and then I looked around, grabbed the beach towel on the dining room chair and captured him....or so I thought.....

Can you believe that sneaky critter got away while I was trying to figure out how to possibly get him out of the house?

Next stop....the hardware store for mouse traps.

(This is where the Gadget connection comes in to the story...)

Did you know there are now nifty traps that the mouse goes into, you can't see him, and it simply changes the color on the outside of the trap telling you that you've captured the invader? I didn't either! I picked up 6 or 8 of them, just in case this fella wasn't cruising my house alone....

I read the directions. I set the traps.

I waited.

And waited....

I've checked every morning (with a flashlight to see the red indicator) and every evening...

And nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch...Zero.

Do you believe that my friend asked me if I had "imagined" the critter? The gall....

So anyway, The Original Gadget Girl has learned to set the "girly" kind of trap.

Another gadget advancement!

Wait until I share about how the Gadget Girl takes on the voice activated system in my Ford
Fusion! I'll have to save that tale for another day for you....

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