Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What Am I Reading Now?

Before I begin telling you about my newest additions to "My Nightstand" I want to give you just a moment of reflection and update: The stinkin' mouse is taunting me by attacking my nightstand! EWWWWW! He's made it upstairs (which I convinced my daughters he couldn't do.....and he's chewed up one of those neck relaxers that you microwave and hang around your neck to relax those muscles....Just to know he likes hangin' out next to my bed is yucky! So many of you gave me your stories and input on how to end my battle with the mouse that now I have a full array of weapons working for me (except for the snap trap....sorry Matt, can't bring myself to have to pick up the thing.....yet.)

Anyway, in the last month I've read a couple great books. One of them, "The Shack" I've actually purchased at least 6 copies as I keep giving it away.

If you've ever wondered about some of the big questions of religion and life, then this book is for you. If you've ever wondered how good and evil can be seen in the eyes of God, then you might like this. I'm not here to tell you what to believe or think, but when a book really makes me think, then I need to pass that on to my friends.

"The Shack" is written by William P. Young and you can link to it from my "What Am I Reading" pages on my website:

I've shared this book with my family and friends and watched my sister and brother-in-law both try to read the same book over this past weekend!

The other book is "The Choice" by Nicholas Sparks. None of us ever want to make this choice and all of us would struggle. I'd like to be able to someday have a relationship like the one in this book.

So, while the world is filled with so many other things to eat away at our time, I hope you find a few minutes to refresh yourself with some quality reading.

I highly recommend both of these books and you can find a link to them at:

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