Wednesday, September 10, 2008

And Now....The Rest of the Story

And now.....the rest of the story.....

the mouse story that is.....

It is only fitting that "The Original Gadget Girl" would have some gadget related ending to the mouse story...

So, you know I had a critter visit me a while back.

I set the girly traps...

It appeared that nothing happened.

One of the traps did have the little red indicator move from the set mark, but not quite to the "mouse caught" section. So, after figuring out what to do, I picked up the trap a few days ago and shook it. I figured that if a mouse was in there, I'd hear it slide around as I moved the trap.

Nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.....

So, I set it back down in its spot by my computer on the floor.

Yesterday I was instant messaging with my friend and I mentioned that there seemed to be a funky smell around my computer area.

I removed the kids' shoes from the area (a likely suspect....)

Tonight, after spending 4 hours at a school fundraiser at Chuck E Cheese.....(yes, at least three hours longer than I would have liked...) I come home, check my email, and decide that the funky smell from yesterday is even worse tonight.

I convince myself, and my 10 year old, Kate, that the funky smell must be the peanut butter I had to use to bait the trap.

With Kate sitting next to me, I decide to throw away the trap. People told me these kind don't work anyway. I reach down, pick up the trap, flip it around, and just as it is over my computer keyboard, black liquidy gunk starts running all over my keyboard and coats my new pair of pants! This is the most horrific stench I've ever smelled!

I'm pretty positive that I've caught the mouse and now have decomposed mouse guts inside my computer keyboard!

I've disinfected the keyboard (even spraying lysol onto it) and now we have the beautiful scent of incense filling our dining room, and as I read this to Kate, she is making barfing noises and my new pants are in the washer!

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