Friday, September 12, 2008

Need More Technology in Your Classroom?

I was excited when I came across this resource and just had to share with you! is Friday night after the first full week of school (at least for us here in Michigan.) I'll admit to being wiped out! Yet, I was listening to a podcast earlier and thought of you.

Did you know you can make a wish for technology and then corporations or private sources can grant your wishes?

The name of the group is Digital Wish. They recognize the fact that as technology infiltrates every aspect of our lives, the funding for technology isn't keeping up to speed. Hence, many educators are sitting in classrooms or media centers with excellent ideas, the desire to implement, and no technology to support their needs.

I've made my wishlist. Now I have to spread the word to my community that we have specific wishes on this site. I have put a link on my school website. Multiple teachers from a school can register too!

I'm always teaching my own daughters that dreams can come true. And when it comes to the technology needs at my own school, we need a few wishes to come true!

What do you have to lose? Nothing.
What do you have to gain? Possibly some new gadgets for your classroom!

Create a profile, add some items to your wish list, and let the people behind the scenes at this website find some donors to help make your technology dreams comes true!

When you visit the site, if you search for me, you can see what types of items I put on my wish list!

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