Monday, November 17, 2008

The Story Behind "The Original Gadget Girl"

So now, a little story for you. Many of you have been following along with me over the past months, but we have a huge number (hundreds!) of new people who have joined us. That is one reason I have been feeling the need to create a forum for sharing and growing together.

I would love for us to be able to share. So many of you have great things that you share with me, yet the whole group can benefit from what you are doing around the world. Yes, that is right. People from all over the world have downloaded the activities and lessons and are working to improve technology education for teachers and students.

Some of you are very funny when I respond to your emails and you are shocked that I would
have the time to personally answer your messages.

That is why tonight I just wanted to give you a little bit of information about who I am...the
gadget girl behind the computer...behind the logo..

For one, as I write these emails to you and create all those lessons, I am just sitting in my
dining room in Mt. Clemens, Michigan. This is a suburb outside the city of Detroit.

I am a single mom of 2 girls...Kate who is 10 and Hannah who is 8. I have been a single mom
for six years now. Becoming a single mom was actually the best thing that could have happened
to me...personally and professionally.

During the day I am a media specialist and I teach computers to K-6th grades and run the library.

At night I turn into "The Original Gadget Girl" and burn the midnight oil while writing articles, lessons and activities to help teachers and students around the globe. (I don't watch TV...the key to time management for me!)

I see teachers all around me overwhelmed by the demands of testing, test prep, and curriculum.
There just doesn't ever seem to be enough time in the day for everything you want to do.

Going to conferences and learning new ideas is great, but then you have to learn it, figure out
how to make it work in your classroom, and then design lessons and rubrics to use. This is where I think I can help. I've taught preschool through adult education classes. I've taught Master's level education classes, and spent time as a technology trainer for teachers. What if I just give you some activities that are quality and ready to use with your students?

This is my main goal: Help you use technology with your students with ease and pleasure while eliminating your stress and saving you time!

And on a final note, I just had to share my wacky "gadget girl" gizmo for the my 1927 house I am lacking a fireplace. Someday I dream of living in a house with more than one bathroom....a house with closets (didn't they wear more than one outfit back in the 1920s?)....and a house with a fireplace... So, at Walgreens, Hannah and I found a DVD that
turns your big screen TV into a crackling fire! Finally, I've found the fireplace I've always wanted along with a use for the TV that I never watch!

Thank you so much for your support,
I'll talk to you again soon....
Kathy Cothran
"The Original Gadget Girl"

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