Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Technology Lessons at Home

Tonight I am writing to share a technology learning activity that we have been going through here at home. My oldest daughter, Kate, is 10. She would be quite happy if she never did another worksheet in her life and I spend quite a bit of time trying to find something educational that interests her. One thing she loves to do is to make movies.

Just recently we added two hamsters into our household. (After ridding ourselves of 8 mice, I'm not sure how the girls managed to convince me to allow these hamsters into our family, except that they don't have tails.....)

The girls discovered that the hamsters love to burrow and sleep together inside of snuggly tunnels of material. Kate started making "hamster beds." With some encouragement from me, and the contagious entrepreneur spirit in our house, she's now proud to have launched her very own online business! Not only has she filmed, edited, and published her first infomercial but she also created a webpage!

Now she's ready to package and mail her product. All she needs are a couple customers! If you know of anyone who would like to try some snuggly hamster beds, share Kate's webpage:

Even if you aren't at all interested in hamster beds, take a moment to look at her site to see how a 10 year old can launch an idea with a webpage and an infomercial with very little cost. Her learning through experience is amazing. She's already planning her next few infomercials!

The bottom line of all of this lesson is that the global economy can come into the lives of children these days. They don't have to only learn economics through bake sales any longer!

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