Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Book Commercials & More!

I know I told you yesterday that I probably wouldn't write again until I made it to Hawaii due to the stress of preparing for our trip to Hawaii and all of the other events in our life this week, but I had such a good lesson today with my fifth graders that I just had to share it with you tonight.

Kids inspired to do book reports? Have you ever heard of such a thing?

You see, just a couple weeks ago we had an entire new computer lab installed filled with new desktop iMacs. It was like Christmas morning that day....we left school on a Tuesday with a lab filled with ancient old flavored iMacs and returned in the morning to the brand new machines. The energy and excitement from staff and students has been amazing.

Anyway, back to the totally cool lesson from today. I gathered a collection of my favorite picture books and had fifth graders spontaneously make "Book Commercials." Each movie needed to have an introduction, a summary, a lesson or message learned, and reasons people might want to read the book. Some students asked to use the book they've just finished and others chose a picture book. We used iMovie and the built-in cameras and almost all students were done within the 45 minutes of work time. Our only issue was that by using the built-in microphones and all students working at once, there is a lot of background noise in the recordings.

The technical aspects included adding titles, text, video of their book commercial, adding music during the intro and outro when the titles and credits are rolling and transitions.... Great success and enthusiasm for book reports! Better yet, this has inspired their teachers to try a book report in this manner next month!

I plan to gather a couple tomorrow so I can work to post them on the Mastermind site while I am in Hawaii! I'll let you know when I have some posted.

Hopefully the rest of your week is great.....even with the full moon.
Some of you wanted more information about how the Easter date is calculated (which does rely upon the full moon, which means the week before Easter will always be influenced by the moon), so click here for the article I wrote on the topic.

Another funny thing I can report about this Gadget Girl is how I managed to find babysitters for our dwarf hamsters by using Facebook tonight! I was really stumped about how I was going to leave them for over a week when I decided to try Facebook....and found multiple babysitters within minutes! Buddy & Snickers probably won't know what to do with all of the attention they'll get this next week!

And, finally, just another example of how kids integrate what they learn at school with their
playing.....Hannah had all of her Webkinz pets out and she's slowly moving them from one room to the next. Then she explains to me how they all live on a farm that makes them work, so one of the animals is acting like Harriet Tubman and moving the animals to safety....just like on the Underground Railroad! Never would I have expected that explanation of her play tonight.

Made me realize I should ask her more often about what she is playing and why.

Something to think about....

Happy Easter.....
Kathy Cothran
"The Original Gadget Girl"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Do You Need Glasses To See This?

You probably don't need glasses to see this, or if you do, you are probably wearing them.
My personal story from this week is about my daughter Hannah. She's in third grade and has desperately wanted glasses for the past six months or so. This reminds me of how much I wanted glasses when I was in fifth grade...those kind that were really big, and had the arms that linked from the bottom of the lens and whipped upwards in a loop...very snazzy for the day....
So, I told my parents I couldn't see. They promptly took me to the eye doctor....(the same one Hannah saw yesterday)...and he was able to figure out that I could see the best when he had window glass in the viewer! Caught.... and then, one year later, I really did need to have glasses...and do you think my parents believed me? The girl who cried wolf over the glasses....but I finally did get glasses....and 29 years later...I'm sick and tired of glasses and contact lenses! So, why would I want to "help" Hannah get glasses when she seems to see everything without squinting? My guilt set in....she failed the test at the pediatrician, she failed the vision test at school....and, this gadget girl knows that Dr. Guinta is the gadget guys of eye doctors! He has a machine that can tell if you need glasses just by looking into it! So, now Hannah will have glasses for when she needs to see far at the movie theater or when we go sightseeing next week in Hawaii....but not for reading and not for watching TV, or even for ordinary school I'm anxious to see how long the novelty lasts! The doctor doesn't want her dependent on them so she continues to strengthen her eye muscles....
So, that leads me into my next topic....
Do you need a few ideas so you can see clearly and spend less time planning and more time enjoying your hobbies and family? I've posted some new ideas at the Mastermind Group of Educators site....Some new samples of student work about plants, and soon I'll even post a presentation my daughter Kate had to make about a college for her fifth grade project. I figured you might want to see it since her class voted it the best presentation of the class.

Probably, when I write to you next, I'll be sitting under a palm tree in Hawaii. The girls and I are
going to visit my parents for 12 days and I think I need some time away (especially since it was
still snowing today!!!) Yet, I'll still be thinking about you and I bet I'll dream up a video or two
to share while I'm there! Stay tuned....
So, enjoy the holiday, and if you find yourself longing to think about school,
log in to the Mastermind Group of Educators.
There are great things happening there....
Happy Easter,
Kathy Cothran
"The Original Gadget Girl"
And, for those of you wishing you had
joined us when the special offer was's your Easter gift...
the secret link again...available only
through email these days...

P.S. Does anyone want to babysit our
adorable little hamsters while we are away??